Дейността на екипа ни обхваща цялостния процес на един инвестиционен проект, от намиране на парцел, проектиране, строителни дейности, довършителни работи до реализацията на готовите обекти на пазара.
Дейността на екипа ни обхваща цялостния процес на един инвестиционен проект, от намиране на парцел, проектиране, строителни дейности, довършителни работи до реализацията на готовите обекти на пазара.
Ето и част от нашето работно пространство. Тук ще ви посрещне екипа на компанията, експертите по продажби са готови да отговорят на всички ваши въпроси свързани с проектите ни, а техническите ръководители ще ви разкажат за конструктивните характеристики на обектите ни. Ще получите изчерпателна информация относно материалите, които влагаме в сградите си и пълна спецификация за всеки имот. Държим на детайлите и ПОВЕЧЕ качествена комуникация с клиентите, не се колебайте да ни потърсите. Екипът на “MATCH MORE” ви очаква!
We monitor, analyze and study the process of development of the residential property market in the Republic of Bulgaria in terms of the best that could be offered to clients. In this regard, we conduct a thorough market analysis of risks and opportunities, investing our capital wisely to meet or exceed the investment goals of each of our projects in the area of the residential construction.
The MATCH MORE team employs a core set of principles aimed at investing with a safe and maximum return, which results in a long-term profitability of the assets built.
To achieve the above activities, we adhere to our direct commitment to the comprehensive quality of our buildings. We are constantly looking for the most suitable investment properties and the best of modern construction technologies, materials and current architectural projects. Our main mission is to deliver projects that correspond to their value and guarantee satisfaction of our customers.
We pay attention to every little detail as our goal is to develop a competitive environment by constructing contemporary buildings with modern architecture, that create a modern look for cities and provide comfort for our citizens and customers.
We strive to evolve every day, to become the best we can be. And to achieve all this, we improve every day by:
The priority of our team is to provide every client with – "Not just a home, but a quality, modern and functional home", by applying our professional experience, both in project planning and design and construction. Integrity, accuracy and courtesy are fundamental principles on which we base and develop our relationships with our partners. We never forget that we owe everything to the efforts of our team, partners and our families!